Monday, September 08, 2008

The perfect season, almost.

There we are, the KC Life softball team. (minus a couple key players that couldn't make the game)
front row from left to right...
Shalae, Jay, Joanna, Jen, Tiffany
back row left to right...
Nathan, Roy, Marcus, Caleb, John, Greg and Brian.
(Not pictured : Tara, Ralph)

Everyone played their hearts out last night and all the records fell.
No wins? Gone.
Can't score more than 8? We scored 16!

It was a back and forth game, with four lead changes. But in the end, we ended up getting our first win in our last game of the season. The final score was 16 to 11. We yelled and screamed so loud when the ump said the game was over that you would have thought we won the World Series...

It was a great season and we definitely had more fun than any other team in the league. Everyone played awesome and now we've got momentum on our side for the start of next season! ;)

We definitely went out with a bang!
Season over...our record : 1-9 (almost the perfect season)


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