Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Seriously? That's what He said. Jesus told us that if we wanted to be His disciples we must daily pick up our cross and follow Him.


Not just on Sundays.
Not just for lent.
Not just when we really need/want something.


What does that mean in 21st century western civilization? Maybe it's actually more difficult for us today than it was 2000 years ago because it isn't as easily defined. For the disciples and apostles of the 1st century church it was very meant being ousted from society and probably ending up dead because of your beliefs. We don't deal with that in America.

How do we pick up our cross daily? What does that look like?

That's what we're going to be exploring the next three weeks.

Last week we talked about the mystery of the cross and how to practically apply it in our lives. This week we'll discuss the cross we cannot bear alone.

What is your cross?

How are you bearing it?


1 comment:

Nathan said...

That's really good. Not easy to hear that message.

Just read this article from one of my favs and thought of your post.
