Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The irrelevance of relevance

A while ago I got to hear Erwin McMannus speak in Atlanta and something he said has stuck with me these past couple years and probably will be with me the rest of my life. I think it was so thought-provoking for me because I didn't expect to hear it from someone who is part of a church that is as "cutting-edge" as Mosiac is, but after he said it, I understood why they are like they are. He said he doesn't care about being relevant because if you are trying to be relevant to someone or something else in culture you are basically saying that someone else has already been there or done that and you just want to be like them.

We're basically copying someone else's creativity, which in turn, puts a paralysis on our own creative ability. Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean that we cannot be inspired by something that someone has done, all we have to do is read a beautiful poem or a great book, look at a masterfully done painting or watch a beautiful sunset to be inspired. But if we are simply inspired to copy that which has impacted us then we have not only incapacitated what we are capable of, we have cheapened said thing that has caused the reaction in the first place. I'm not trying to present a formula, for in esence, that is the very thing I am revolting against...but what we should allow to happen in our lives is a genuine inspiration of something touching the deepest parts of our own souls to ignite the creativity that we are all born with. Sometimes the best way to do that is to look at or experience a representation of that very thing from someone else's "depths of the soul".

Instead of trying to be relevant to what someone else says why not be relevant to who we really are deep down inside. Simply put, the most relevant way we can ever live our lives is to simply live them as genuinely and passionately as possible. Our imagination and creativity is not something that we should supress as followers of Jesus Christ, it is something that He calls us to dive into and use in our everyday lives. Do not be afraid to think, to dream, to imagine and to create. We are made in our Father's image and He is a creator...we should follow suit.


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