Wednesday, March 26, 2008

are we there yet?

I used to ask it all the time in the car. When I was young we used to go camping all the time, it seemed like we were gone every weekend during the summer. But one question was always constant, "Are we there yet?". I remember getting in the car/truck/camper (we had a lot of different camping vehicles over the years) getting bored before we even got out of town and asking the question I knew my parents were dreading. I would usually ask it until I thought I had annoyed them enough that the punishment of my continious inquiry was equal to their crime of not having invented teleportation or floating cars yet. Then I would proceed to go to sleep.

I'm afraid I still have the same question in my heart and I think if we were to be honest with ourselves we would all admit the same thing. It's very difficult to live a life that feels fulfilled and satisfied if we are always looking at the destination instead of enjoying the journey. We're all on a journey somewhere, the only difference is that some have learned to sit back and enjoy the journey and others have become so haunted by the destination that they've decided to sit in the back seat of their own lives and go to sleep.

I'm starting a sermon series this Sunday out of the "Songs of Acent" from Psalm 120-134. We're going to look at the journey we are on and the obstacles we will face. Hopefully by the end of it we'll stop worrying so much about the destination and be able to wake up and truly enjoy the journey that is this thing we call life.

On a completely unrelated note. We're going to play ultimate frisbee this Sunday at 3pm in the field behind our church. You should join us.

(no, neither one of the short-short wearing young men in that picture are me)

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