Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vancouver - Day 1

So Vancouver is absolutely one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Here's a few images from our first 24 hours here...

This is the cottage we are staying in. We are literally surrounded by a botanical garden, the temperature was in the 70's all day, we were able to sleep with the windows open, wake up to the birds chirping and horses walking down the road beside our was simply amazing.

My friend Caleb and I walking in the ocean, it was low tide so we were able to walk really far out into the ocean without it getting above our knees.

Here's the forest we walked through, there are over 30 miles of trails for walking, running or riding your bike through this amazing forest. Some of the trees are over 100 feet tall, it was one of the most amazing places I've ever been to.

Check back tomorrow for more pictures from our adventures north of the border...


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