Thursday, January 11, 2007

Walkin up the hill

I had one of those "moments" last Friday, usual. I was walking up the hill behind Dean and DeLuca (my former employer) and I had a thought...but before I get to that thought I suppose I should lay down the backstory of what got me to that hill in the first place.

A little over four years ago I heard God speak to me in prayer telling me that He was calling me to ministry. It was confirmed just five days later in a miraculous way...(that's a whole 'nother deal). So I began volunteering and serving in just about any ministry that would have me. Fast forward a few years.

About 19 months ago I was sitting in my mentors office and a mutual friend came by and asked me to lead worship for the youth group the following night becuase he was going out of town. I said ok (believe me this is all going somewhere). We led worship, Pastor Linda Saunders preached and all was well. The next week I got a phone call from her son, who had planted a church in Westport and wanted to talk to me about being the worship leader. Long story short, my wife and I moved down there to help start this church. The church was small at 6 people on Sunday morning small...but we've grown. Pastor Linda came down in January to take over as Pastor and we've being growing ever since. I've been working at Dean and DeLuca for the last year and a half, while serving at the church to the best of my ability.

So that catches you up to my last trip up the hill...

You see, I would walk down this hill every morning and up it every afternoon after work, I did this for a year and half. Friday was my last day at Dean and DeLuca because I am taking over the pastoral position at the church (Pastor Linda is moving to California with her hubby, and man is she excited!!!). So I was thinking about how this has been a four year journey in my life and how Friday afternoon as the last time I would walk up that hill...and it struck me. It was no different that any other time I walked up that hill after working all day, it was just a normal hill, with a normal guy taking a normal walk. ( I just read a qoute in a book that said "great people are simply average people that refuse to give up.) There were not beams of radient light shining from heaven, there was no choir of angels singing...there was nothing. Other than the grace of God to allow me to see that this is how He works in our life more often than not. In the everyday, humdrum, monotonous things we do. The problem isn't that God isn't active in our lives, the problem is that we don't take the time to see how active He really is. We don't notice it because he rarely operates in our lives in the way we expect it. But He is always there, always acting and working on our behalf. What an amazing God we serve!

So on Monday I begin a new chapter of my life. I must say that I am so excited about this I can hardly control myself. It's funny how it's been a four year journey to this...which is truly just the beginning. Ha! It took me four years to get to the starting line, now the race will really begin...


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